What's our deal?

Hi, I'm Alex, an espresso fanatic and the founder of fom espresso. I started my coffee journey llike most folks, with baristas making my espresso drinks for me. I was always most impressed by espresso drinks when the foam was just right but sadly that's a rare occasion. But when it is just right, oh it's such a moment of zen (hence the name, and all the evangalizing you'll hear from us about the merits of flat whites and micro-textured foam, and how to do it all at home, with fom).
So how to get that perfect foam every time? Well, we think you just need to DIY it, and as a bonus, if you're willing to join on us on this home espresso journey, you get to enjoy your cortado (or whaterver espresso drink you're in the mood for) in your PJs.
And so our mission is to help folks embrace making their own (real) espresso at home but chipping away at what can be both some intimidation and a very real learning curve but we think it's worth it to be able to make your own perfect cortados, cappucinos, and yes flat whites at home just the way you want, and without resorting to those tragic capsule based machines (that's really not espresso, you and your countertop deserve better)